$MCK A Winning Trade of Billionaire Investor Leon Cooperman
Billionaire Leon Cooperman is a well-known value investor. His portfolio holdings are full of value stock ideas that are great for value investors to study. Remember these stocks were well researched by Cooperman's well paid research analysts. They are top stock picks that Cooperman is willing to bet with his money on.
$MCK is one such winning bet that produced at least $60/sh gains for Cooperman. He bought it initially at max $126/sh in 2013Q2 and recently exited at minimum $186/sh in 2015Q3.
How can individual investors catch a stock winner like $MCK with the knowledge of Leon Cooperman was buying? HedgeMind may help. HedgeMind.com made it very easy for for investors to follow smart money, especially top performing hedge fund managers like Leon Cooperman, David Tepper, George Soros and gain great insights into what they are buying and selling each quart.
Two hedgemind indicators, HM Sentiment & % Funds Owing Stock, are especially useful for investors to study with each their own stocks. Both indicators are derived from hedge fund holdings data and represent the collective trading activities of hedge fund managers in a quarter. They are correlating positively with stock price, most of the time a slightly earlier than stock price move.
Higher bullish hedge funds sentiment on a stock indicates more hedge fund buyings. Rising % funds holders tell us more new hedge fund managers are accumulating the stock, also bullish.
Let's take a look at $MCK's price chart and HedgeMind infographic shown below and pay particular attention to the two indicators, HedgeMind Sentiment & % Funds Owning MCK.

Hedge funds sentiment were highest in 2013 and early 2014 when $MCK was at onset of 2-year rally. % Funds holders also rose during the same early period. By middle 2014, hedge fund investors began to cash out as indicated by hedgemind sentiment and % Funds holders while $MCK continued to rise.Both Hedge funds sentiment & % Funds holders reached low at 2015Q1, a quarter ahead of stock peaked in 2015Q2.
Hope investors learn a thing or 2 from this analysis and improve your winning chance and beat the "loser's game".
Visit hedgemind.com for more stock ideas like $MCK